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  • Spain | Finding and contacting Cannabis Social Clubs in all regions

    août 26, 2024 6 lire la lecture

    Spain | Finding and contacting Cannabis Social Clubs in all regions

    Find and contact Cannabis Social Clubs in Spain

    El Capitan does not promote or encourage cannabis consumption. El Capitan is committed to promoting education, awareness, and scientific dissemination about cannabis and  the complex legal and social landscape surrounding cannabis, El Capitan provides accurate, research-backed information to demystify misconceptions and encourage informed decisions. By fostering a culture of learning and open dialogue, El Capitan aim's to contribute positively to the evolving discourse on cannabis, emphasizing its scientific, legal, and health aspects.


    Finding a Cannabis Social Club (in short: CSC) in Spain and becoming a member is easy if you already know a person associated with a Club. That person could be for example a workmate or friend living in the city, a holiday-friendship (if you are just staying for some weeks) or one of your roommates if you are sharing a flat (like a lot of people in Madrid or Barcelona do). Just ask around. You might be surprised how many people are club members in certain cities. They just invite you to come with you to the club to introduce you and become a member.

    If you don’t know anyone, there are brands like 'El Capitan’ who can provide you the contact to a Social Club via the Fast-Track Intro. Just choose a club on the map and purchase the curated contact data via the 'Get Introduction' button on each location without the hassle.

    In case you also do not want to spend money for updated and curated contact data (from El Capitan or any similar service provider), you might as well go some extra steps. This article helps you to understand what options there are.

    Just one thing to understand before we dive in: None of the mentioned ways is any guarantee for membership of a Cannabis Social Club. These are all private Clubs in Spain that decide by themselves who they want to accept as a member and to whom they want to deny membership. So even if it is common sense, please keep in mind: When you are in the front desk of a club and finally apply for membership, behave polite, kind and humble - just as you would expect it of anybody who would like to become member of your own private club.


    The simple way: Local community and word-of-mouth

    Ask in your local community if somebody is - or knows a member of a CSC. If you are studying, ask fellow students; if you are working in a friendly environment, ask your co-workers (just don’t ask Dwight - he might run to the boss and tell him you got a problem); if you are skating, ask fellow skaters you encounter; if you are visiting a pottery class, ask there… You are getting the point. Simple and obvious, but a way that nowadays, in our electronically hyper-connected world is often forgotten. Just always make clear that you want to become a member of a legitimate CSC with like-minded, responsible connoisseurs of the plant. You do not want to be referred to the shady guy that just illegally sells you weed, which in the worst case is contaminated with dangerous unwanted substances.


    A sure-shot: Attending Cannabis-related events

    If you are visiting the Spannabis fair in Barcelona or other Cannabis-related events like the Spannabis Champions Cup you will have it very easy to ask your way around. Often you will encounter many owners of Social Clubs roaming around the premises and you might just accidentally ask one. Many clubs also have their own exhibition stands where they inform about Cannabis and the activities of their club and you can simply approach them and say hello. Don’t be shy! With very few exceptions, the people on those kind of events and fairs are super friendly and open.


    The easy way (if available): Search engines and social media

    You can simply use DuckDuckGo, Google, Bing or any other search engine to look for a social club in your location. Usually CSCs don’t have their own website, but in popular/bigger cities with a lot of clubs you probably will be lucky to find one or a Facebook- or Instagram-profile and contact the club. Just keep in mind, that those private clubs focus on their offline-activities and even if they have a website do not offer consistent online contact or support. Thus, you might need a lot of patience and wait a week or two on a response. If you find the social media appearance, you might have more luck. Be aware that there are also black sheep out there that are not legitimate CSCs. It is strongly advised to also try to find the Club you are contacting in a local club-registry (further explained in the next point) to make sure it is legitimate.


    Last, but not least there is the reliable approach: Local club-registries

    You can open one of the local club-registries of the region you are in and try to enrich the data you find (usually the address) with publicly available contact data (search online) - or just pass by the club one day and encounter another member. Besides the fact that most CSCs do not like people coming by completely unannounced and might react annoyed and deny membership straight away and forever, there is another catch: The public registries are often confusing and do not exactly emphasize a great user experience, so tofind a club related to consumption of Cannabis through public websites, you have to get creative. Don’t worry, we will help you out a little:

    • Open the registry of the region you want to find a club in and search it for related words you would expect in a name of a Cannabis Social Club in Spain. Those could be for example „cannabis“, „verde“ (Spanish for „green“), or other topic-related words. Let your creativity roam and look what you can find. Also play with the category filters: Some CSCs are inscribed as „terapias alternativas“ (alternative therapies), some might be „recreativas“ (recreational) and so on. Since every register is slightly different, just look where you would potentially categorize a CSC if you would open your own club.
    • With the full name of the clubs you found in the registry and/or the address perform a web-search and look what you can find. Sometimes this will lead to a source of more contact data like an email-address, WhatsApp-number or full-fledged web presence of the according club.

    To further keep in mind for local club-registries:

    The registries are usually to use in the browser, sometimes a simple spreadsheet you can download from the official website and sometimes (like in the case of Valencia) an interactive map.

    If a registry is not available as spreadsheet, it is probably somewhat hard to navigate, but most of the time you can figure out the control quite fast and find what you need with patience, the keyboard-combination „ctrl+F“ (or „command+F“ on Apple-devices) and a little help of an online translator. In order to get any data-sets, usually you have to at least fill out the province in which you are looking for a club, though. Despite that, you will get more results the more „openly“ you are searching (e.g. instead of looking in the exact city you are, just fill out the province).


    official Club registries in Spain (not only CSCs, but all clubs)

    Even though the club-registries are all publicly available on the web, we know how hard it can be to find them. Therefore we want to make your research easier and gathered a list of all local club-registries in Spain for you:

    Andalusia Club registry (provinces: Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga, Seville)

    Aragon Club registry (provinces: Huesca, Teruel, Zaragoza)

    Asturias Club registry (downloadable spreadsheet, province: Asturias)

    Balearic Islands Club registry (province: Balearic Islands)

    Basque Country Club registry (provinces: Álava, Biscay, Gipuzkoa)

    Canary Islands Club registry (provinces: Las Palmas, Santa Cruz de Tenerife)

    Cantabria Club registry (downloadable spreadsheet, province: Cantabria)

    Castilla La Mancha Club registry (downloadable spreadsheet, provinces: Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Toledo)

    Castilla y León Club registry (provinces: Ávila, Burgos, León, Palencia, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria, Valladolid, Zamora)

    Catalonia Club registry (provinces: Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, Tarragona)

    Extremadura Club registry (provinces: Badajoz, Cáceres)

    Galicia Club registry (provinces: A Coruña, Lugo, Ourense, Pontevedra)

    Madrid Club registry (province: Madrid)

    Murcia Club registry (province: Murcia)

    Navarre Club registry (province: Navarre)

    La Rioja Club registry (province: La Rioja)

    Valencia Club registry (provinces: Alicante, Castellón, Valencia)


    We hope we could outline how to find and contact Cannabis Social Clubs in Spain for you in a helpful way.


    Here is a brief summary again:

    - Ask a person you know that is associated with a Club

    - Get a contact to a Social Club via the Fast-Track Intro

    - Ask around in a local community (word-of-mouth)

    - Visit Cannabis-related events

    - Search in search engines and social media

    - Use local club-registries


    Enjoy the journey and respect the plant.

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    El Capitan ne promeut ni n'encourage la consommation de cannabis.❗